Two more anthologies

Both were announced a while back, but I’m still playing catch-up here (day job woes). The first is Black Feathers, edited by Ellen Datlow and coming out from Pegasus Books in 2017. No cover art yet – I’ll post that as soon as I get it. Below is the Table of Contents:

The Kick-Ass Table of Contents:
O Terrible Bird by Sandra Kasturi
The Obscure Bird by Nicholas Royle (reprint)
The Mathematical Inevitability of Corvids by Seanan McGuire
Something About Birds by Paul Tremblay
Great Blue Heron by Joyce Carol Oates
The Season of the Raptors by Richard Bowes
The Orphan Bird by Alison Littlewood
The Murmurations of Vienna Von Drome by Jeffrey Ford
Blyth’s Secret by Mike O’Driscoll
The Fortune of Sparrows by Usman T. Malik
Pigeon from Hell by Stephen Graham Jones
The Secret of Flight by A.C. Wise
Isobel Avens Returns to Stepney in the Spring by M. John Harrison (reprint)
A Little Bird Told Me by Pat Cadigan
The Acid Test by Livia Llewellyn
The Crow Palace by Priya Sharma

The second anthology is this:

NightmaresWOW, right? Right. This anthology, the sequel to Ellen’s 2010 anthology Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror, is coming out sometime in the fall of this year. The full table of contents is at this link.









